Hexes & Cursings

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Some folks just insist on testing your patience—so why not let the universe test them right back? Our Cursing & Hexing Services help you deliver a little well-earned karmic correction, whether it’s for justice, protection, or just making sure they finally trip over their own nonsense. No refunds, no take-backs—cast wisely!

There are a couple of things you need to know before you purchase this working.

There is also some basic information that Yaya’s Whispers will need before they can perform any type of ritual for you.


It's VERY IMPORTANT that you verify your email at the time of check out because that is the email we will use to communicate with you with, as well as send information about the ritual. 

The target's full name is needed.

The target's date of birth is needed.

A recent, clear (not blurry or fuzzy) photo of the target is needed.

A petition, in your own words, of what you wish to ask of Spirit. This should be clear, concise and only one or two sentences - like 15-20 words. Do not overreach (ask WAY too much of Spirit) and do NOT be unrealistic. If you have any questions about your petition, please reach out to Yaya’s Whispers about this.

If you are missing any of this information, the ritual can still be performed; however, the chance of manifestation decreased with each missing piece. So if you truly wish to do ritual work for or against someone, spend a little energy trying to find out all the correct information that you can. Show Spirit that you are committed to this, and serious.

All of this information needs to be sent as soon as possible so she can schedule your ritual. Nothing is added to the schedule until ALL information is received. Please include all information is ONE email, along with your order number and your name.

Yaya will work with you about the details of your issue. She will take all of your information and your petition and work with Spirit on your behalf to help you manifest your goal. We will determine the type of candle that is necessary for the ritual work. The candle(s) will be dressed in our choice of appropriate oils, powders and herbs that are best suited to help you reach your goal. The ritual work may include ritual drumming, chanting, fire work, more elaborate offerings, candle work, prayers, etc. This will be dictated by Spirit once we begin. You will receive a few additional photos once your work has begun, as well as final thoughts on the work, once the ritual is concluded.


Bitch Be Gone/Banishing (Just a side note: a banishing done by a third party will ONLY be effective if YOU also take the necessary steps to remove this person from your life. This means block ALL contact – tell mutual friends and family that they cannot even speak this person’s name around you. This person must essentially be ‘dead’ to your reality – otherwise, this ritual will never manifest. And I cannot force a person out of someone’s life if they do not do their part.)


Legal Disclaimers & Fine Print: As with all things in life, personal success depends upon your personal belief system and work ethic. No guarantees are made regarding your personal experience. We do not give any mental or medical advice. If you experience any medical or psychiatric concerns, please contact a licensed psychologist or medical professional. All products and services are sold for metaphysical ritual purposes only. We cannot give any guarantees to any outcomes.

To accord with all State and Federal Laws, please be advised that Yaya, nor Yaya’s Whispers, LLC., can make no claims of any supernatural or therapeutic effects or powers of any of the items or services listed in this shop. In addition, we do not make any claims relative to any outcome(s) pertaining to the use of said products or services that we offer for sale.


As per Government requirements FDA (Federal Drug Administration), we are required to state that our ritual spell items are sold as CURIOS ONLY, offered solely for entertainment purposes and are not guaranteed to provide any specific abilities or results.